Thank you to all of our partners, sponsors, supporters, and friends! Without the ongoing support of our generous community, we would not be able to bring together over 300 of the region’s top students to share their progress and adventures in science. With this support, the Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair propels students to the national Canada-Wide Science Fair and encourages all students to continue to think critically about the world around them.


University of British Columbia
Faculty of Science
Dr. Meigan Aronson, Dean
Honourary Chair of the Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsors


Oddball Workshop
Pacific Northwest Society Coatings Technology, Vancouver Section


Science World at Telus World of Science

Award Sponsors

BC Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation
BC Game Developers
BC Greenhouse Growers Association
BC Hydro Power Pioneers
BC Science Teachers’ Association
Chief Judge (Walter Olson)
Clarkes Recognition Products
David Laugharne
Engineers and Geoscientists BC
Genome British Columbia
Greater Vancouver Mining Women’s Association
In Ink Scientific Writing
John O’Connor
Julia Lane Foundation
Lynn Valley Garden Club
Michael Crooks – British Columbia Association of Physics Teachers
Sanofi Biogenius Canada
Science World at TELUS World of Science
Simon Fraser University Faculty of Science
Society for Canadian Women in Science & Technology

The University of British Columbia:

Faculty of Applied Science
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Forestry
Faculty of Land & Food Systems
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Department of Botany
Department of Chemistry
Department of Computer Science
Department of Earth & Ocean Sciences
Department of Mathematics
Department of Microbiology & Immunology
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Department of Statistics
Department of Zoology
Biodiversity Research Centre
Curriculum Studies
Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability
Michael Smith Laboratories

The Vancouver Mycological Society
Vancouver School Board SD #39
Verdi Expeditions
Women in Engineering and Geoscience

Affiliated With

Youth Science Canada


Patti Leigh O.B.C., M.S.M.