Registration for judges will close on Friday, March 29th, 2024.
This year, judges must register on the Youth Science Canada website. Please see THIS GUIDE for step-by-step instructions on how to do this.
We encourage you to register early, to help us estimate our final numbers.
The judging team will contact you to confirm your participation at the fair and will provide you more information about the judging process.
Once you have registered, you will receive an email with details of your judging assignment approximately one week before the fair, along with orientation materials for you to preview.
Why Judge at a Science Fair?
Each year, the Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair (GVRSF) welcomes returning and new judges who will evaluate the projects of hundreds of students on a variety of criteria such as scientific thought, originality and creativity, and communication. Judging is one of the most critical moments of the fair, when the students have the chance to discuss, communicate and share their ideas with scientists and engineers who will perhaps become future colleagues and mentors.
Judging at the GVRSF is an enjoyable and constructive experience:
- Learn about the remarkable work and enthusiasm of some of our region’s brightest young scientists.
- Give back to the scientific community by providing constructive feedback to the scientists and engineers of tomorrow.
- Connect with peers, scientists and engineers in other fields who are similarly passionate about STEAM education.
- Further your understanding of how today’s students view the world.
For most students, the GVRSF is the final stage in the science fair process. Students originally participating in classroom and school fairs proceed to the level of district fairs followed by regional fairs like the GVRSF. As a judge, you will play a role in deciding which of the projects will be sent to the national level. In 2024, the Canada-Wide Science Fair will take place in-person in Ottawa, Ontario from May 25 – June 1.
- A Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent expertise) in science, engineering or a related discipline is required.
- We welcome all award sponsors and their representatives to participate in the adjudication process.
Time Commitment
More information will be updated regarding the 2024 schedule
What to Expect
More information will be updated regarding the 2024 schedule