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Science Fairs present a unique opportunity for youth to explore project-based science and encourage youth to conduct research and experimentation in areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
The Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair Society is a federally registered charity (BN: 832888564RR0001). This means we can accept donations and issue tax receipts (for donors within Canada). Since we are volunteers, 100% of funds raised goes towards the fair and the student participants. If you donate online, this receipt will be send by email within minutes of your donation.
Our program sponsors generously support the fair, including the expenses related to the hosting of the fair at UBC.
The major expense for the fair is the grand prize for 17 students to attend the Canada-Wide Science Fair, which in 2018 is in Ottawa, Ontario. This opportunity is life-changing for these students, both in terms of the experience and the opportunity to scholarships for their post-secondary education.