10 posts
Congratulations to the 2021 Canada-Wide Science Fair winners from the GVRSF!
This year, 17 students from the GVRSF won the Grand Award to participate in the Virtual Canada Wide Science Fair hosted by Carleton University in Ottawa Ontario. Along with the experience of presenting their projects to experts and peers on…
Congratulations Everyone!
Congratulations to every participant in the 2021 Virtual Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair, as well as your families, teachers, mentors and friends who helped with the process. The awards ceremony was live on Wednesday April 14, but can be viewed…
GVRSF Awards Ceremony
We expanded our judging process to provide more sessions with students, which means we need a few more days to coordinate our awards ceremony. The awards ceremony will be on Wednesday April 14 from 5pm to 7pm, livestreamed on Facebook…
2021 Project List
The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has prevented the hosting of an in-person Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair at UBC, but we have overcome this challenge! Hard work and dedication by students, teachers, parents and mentors has resulted in 132 projects registering…
2021 Shirt Design!
Our T-shirt design guru, Robert Young, has finalized the look of this year’s GVRSF T-shirt. Shirts can be ordered as part of your registration for the fair, but are also available to the public! Pre-order your shirt now: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/greater-vancouver-regional-science-fair-society/events/virtual-greater-vancouver-regional-science-fair-2021/
Register now for the 2021 Virtual Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair
Registration is now open for the Virtual 2021 Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair. Full registration instructions are available on our Registration page. Students will need to complete three tasks to participate in the Virtual Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair:1) Create…
GVRSF 2021 is Going Virtual!
With the continuing Public Health Orders that limit gathering, the Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair will go Virtual in 2021! Timeline Student Registration – We are awaiting the completion of a new Management Portal – registration will open soon and…
GVRSF 2020 Annual Report
We have wrapped up 2020 and look forward to 2021! Read our Annual Report to learn of the successes and achievements by students from the Greater Vancouver Region.
The BC/Yukon Virtual Science Fair – Connecting Ideas with Expertise
This virtual fair provides inquisitive students in Grades 4-12 with feedback on their work and connects them with experienced mentors via Project Interviews. Prizes and awards are available thanks to generous supporters in our community. Submit a project by May…
Refund Process for Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair
The Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair Committee will offer refunds of registration ($60) and t-shirt ($15) payments. Please review and follow the procedure outlined below. For those who paid online through Canada Helps, please follow the procedure below and do…