2025 Awards

Divisional Awards

Gold, silver and bronze medals, and honourable mentions will be awarded to the overall best entries in each age category. The actual number of divisional awards will vary from year to year depending on the quality and number of projects.

As well, entries to the Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair are eligible for Provincial Awards. The British Columbia Provincial Awards Program is administered by the Science Fair Foundation BC and is available to all participants of British Columbia Regional Science Fairs. Learn More about Provincial Awards >

Special Awards sponsored by our generous Award Sponsors may be judged by representatives from the organization sponsoring the award, or judging teams assigned to the Special Award, depending on the award. These prizes include scientific apparatus, merchandise, scholarships and cash awards.

The top Regional Science Fair entries will be awarded the Grand Award: an all-expense-paid spot on Team GVRSF to the Canada-Wide Science Fair, a week-long event held in a different Canadian city each year. Learn More about Team GVRSF >

Special Awards

*Please note that awards are subject to change*

BC Agriculture in the Classroom Award – $65

To be awarded to an outstanding project that shows the practical application of scientific principles to agriculture. Eligible projects can be at either the Junior, Intermediate, or Senior grade category.

BC Game Developers Innovation Award – $50 (Junior), $100 (Intermediate), $150 (Senior)

To be awarded to the student(s) whose project demonstrates creativity and innovation in computer science, mathematics, engineering, or astronomy. The award encourages the participation of women, First Nations, and others traditionally underrepresented in STEM fields.

BC Greenhouse Growers Association (A partner of BC Agriculture in the Classroom) Award – $75

To be awarded to an outstanding project that demonstrates the creative use of advanced science and technology to enhance vegetable plant productivity and quality. Projects eligible for this award include those in the area of biological pest control, irrigation, nutrition, growing media, climate control and mechanics. Eligible projects can be at either the Junior, Intermediate, or Senior grade category.

BC Hydro for Power Pioneers Award – $100, Perpetual Trophy, Certificate

To be awarded to a student(s) in grades 4 to 12 who creates a project which creatively demonstrates electrical conservation and its environmental, social and economic impacts.

BC Nature Award – 2x $100

To be awarded to the best natural history project done by a student(s). This includes
studies of any aspect of natural history, conservation of natural habitats, and/or natural
species. An outdoor, nature monitoring or conservation project is strongly encouraged. One $100 award for grades 7-9, one $100 award for grades 10-12.

BC Science Teachers’ Association Award – $100

To be awarded to a student(s) in grades 7 or 8 for an experimental project in any category that has clearly presented an hypothesis and independent, controlled variables.

Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Award – $300

This award will be given to the best science fair project to apply scientific principles to a problem from atmospheric or oceanic science or a related environmental discipline.

David Laugharne Award – Perpetual & Keeper Trophy

To be awarded to a project that incorporates new technology into the design, implementation or presentation of the work.

Genome BC Award – 2 x $300, Certificate

To be awarded to two projects dealing with a topic of genomic interest. Students in all grades are eligible for this award.

Genome BC Scholarship Nomination – $1000

To be awarded to a senior student who has developed a science and technology project focused on areas of strategic importance such as human health, forestry, fisheries, agriculture, bioenergy, mining, and the environment. Awarded to a student pursuing a science degree in British Columbia. The award winner will be required to submit proof of enrolment at a postsecondary institution in BC.

Greater Vancouver Mining Women Association Award – $100

The project will be related to the minerals industry. Eligible projects can be at either the Junior, Intermediate and Senior grade category.

In Ink Scientific Writing Award – $100

For the student in any age category whose written work (paper or poster) most effectively communicates what research was done and why the work is important.

Julia Lane Award – $300

To be awarded to a student with a passion for science and community. Preference given to female candidates with projects relating to Geology or Earth and Environmental Sciences. Eligible projects can be from any grade level.

Julia Lane Scholarship Nomination – $3000

To be awarded to a Grade 11 or 12 student with a passion for science and community. Preference given to female candidates with projects relating to Geology or Earth and Environmental Sciences.

Lynn Valley Garden Club Award – 3x $100

To be awarded to project related to horticulture, sustainable agriculture, urban agriculture, pollinators, xeriscaping.

Michael Crooks Physics Prize (British Columbia Association of Physics Teachers) – $125

To be awarded to a student(s) in grades 6 to 12 who has done an outstanding physics-related project.

Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Scholarship Nomination – $1900 (Senior) (Nomination)

$1,900 Scholarship Nomination to be awarded to a Grade 11 or 12 student that shows the practical application of scientific principles to identifying and addressing a transportation-related issues. This will include environmental effects of transportation projects and their mitigation, noise attenuation (terrestrial and aquatic), wildlife/car accidents, road maintenance matters like de-icing etc., drainage, etc. 

Neil Towers Award for Plant Biology (UBC Botany Department) – $100

To be awarded at the Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair to the best plant biology-related project submitted by a student(s) in grades 7-12. Projects may be observational or experimental, and all fields of plant biology will be considered.

Sanofi Biogenius Canada Award – $100 + Invitation to compete at Sanofi Biogenius Canada competition

To be awarded to the top projects in biotechnology/health science/life science category, in grades 9 to 12.

Science World Award – $100 Gift Certificate to Science World Science Store + Perpetual Trophy

To be awarded to a first-time entrant from any grade category. The project will show ingenuity/creativity.

SCWIST (Society for Canadian Women in Science and Technology) Award – $100, Certificate, Trophy

To be given to young women in Grades 8-10 whose project shows the greatest curiosity, ingenuity, and innovation in design. The award is intended to encourage the student’s interest in science. A student may not receive the award more than once.

SFU Faculty of Science Award – 5 x $100

To be awarded to five projects that showcase exceptional scientific methods and knowledge.

SFU Scholarship – $6000

First Year scholarship to Simon Fraser University. Only senior students (grade 11 or 12) are eligible.

Shad Canada Community Changemaker Prize – $750

To be awarded to a Grade 9 or 10 student whose project demonstrates creativity, curiosity,
and the potential for social impact. $750 toward SHAD 2026 fees, up to three awards per Region.

GVRSF Structural Engineering Award – $100

To be awarded to a student(s) at any grade who demonstrates interest, enthusiasm, and understanding in the field of Structural Engineering. Structural Engineering is the design of structures such as buildings and bridges. Possible topics considered for this prize are: the design or analysis of a structure; building materials (concrete, steel, wood, brick); loads on structures (wind, snow, earthquakes); buildings or structural materials in extreme conditions (fire, underwater, extreme cold); different building member types (beams, columns, cross-braces, trusses); historical structural failures or structural feats.

Students’ Choice Award (supported by Clarkes Recognition Products Ltd) – Perpetual and Keeper Trophy

As selected by a vote by the participants.

UBC Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology – $200

To be awarded to the best project in the fields of biochemistry and molecular biology

UBC Department of Computer Science Award – $150 first place, $100 second place

The award is given on the basis of the project that best demonstrates the impact of the principles and practices of Computer Science.

UBC Engineering Physics Award – 1 x $250, 2 x $125

To be awarded to the Science Fair project(s) that best embodies applications of Physics and Engineering Physics to providing a technology solution to a real-world problem.

GVRSF Population Studies Award – $100

Awarded to the best project that identifies and attempts to control hazards to human health in the workplace, urban environmental, or recreational environment. Eligible projects can be at any level.

UBC Statistics Award – 3 x $100 & Certificate

To be awarded for the best use of statistical methods in data collection and analysis. One award at each of the Junior, Intermediate and Senior grade level.

UBC Zoology Award – $150 first place, $100 second place

To be awarded for the best project that exemplifies any of the research areas that are the focus of the UBC Department of Zoology: Ecology, Evolution, Organismal Biology, and Cell & Developmental Biology.

Vancouver RASC (Royal Astronomical Society of Canada) Martha Pearse Award – $50

To be awarded to the best astronomy or physics project that demonstrates creativity, innovation and contributes to a greater public understanding of science.

Vancouver Mycological Society Award – $100 and other prizes

To be awarded to the best mycology related project submitted by a student(s). All fields of investigation into molds and mushrooms will be considered, e.g. ecology, conservation, use as food, industrial applications, plant/forest pathology, toxicology, etc. Laboratory experimentation as well as field studies are eligible; projects that engage aspects of both are especially encouraged

Vancouver School Board Award – Keeper Trophy

To be awarded to a project done by a student from a Vancouver School District public school. Eligible projects can be at any level.

Verdi Sustainability Award – 2x $250 & Internship

To be awarded to two students in any age category who have developed a project focused on areas such as agriculture, engineering, forestry, farming, bioenergy, systems design, and the environment. The cash award will be accompanied by the opportunity to partake in an experiential internship day at Verdi. Learn more about Verdi at https://verdiag.com/)

Women in Engineering and Geoscience Award – $50

To be awarded to a young woman, or a partnership including at least one young woman, who presents and communicates an ingenious solution to an engineering or applied science problem/project by applying their knowledge of science and math.

UBC Entrance Awards

The University of British Columbia offers a series of Entrance Awards at the Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair to students entering the UBC Faculty of Science (Vancouver) in their first year.

Eligibility / Criteria for all UBC Entrance Awards

  • Only senior students (grade 11 or 12) are eligible.
  • The students must have presented an outstanding project in their category.
  • The students must show creativity, innovation and originality in their work.
  • The students must have won a medal (gold, silver or bronze) at the Regional Science Fair.
  • To be eligible for the scholarships, finalists must be admitted to the UBC Faculty of Science (Vancouver campus) and register directly from secondary school. Winners who are in grade 11 may defer the award for one year.
  • Students in a team: If a project wins that is presented by two students, both team members will be awarded a full UBC Science Entrance Award worth $2,000 for each individual.
  • At each Fair, a project should not be honoured with more than one Entrance Award, even if it excels in more than one category.
  • Multiple prize winners: A student is eligible for one UBC Science scholarship. If a student wins in two or more divisions and/or over two years, s/he is entitled to retain the award with the greater monetary value if there is a difference.
  • Winners at the regional and national level: A student is eligible for one UBC Science scholarship. If a regional UBC Science award recipient goes on to receive an award at the National level, s/he is entitled to retain the award with the greater monetary value if there is a difference.

UBC Science Entrance Award “Earth & Environmental Sciences” – $2,000, tied to UBC Faculty of Science admission
To be awarded to a student who presents an outstanding Earth & Environmental Sciences project.

UBC Science Entrance Award “Computer Science” – $2,000, tied to UBC Faculty of Science admission
To be awarded to a student who presents an outstanding Computing Sciences project.

UBC Science Entrance Award “Life Sciences” – $2,000, tied to UBC Faculty of Science admission
To be awarded to a student who presents an outstanding Life Sciences project.

UBC Science Entrance Award “Health Sciences” – $2,000, tied to UBC Faculty of Science admission
To be awarded to a student who presents an outstanding Health Sciences project.

UBC Science Entrance Award “Physics & Chemistry” – $2,000, tied to UBC Faculty of Science admission
To be awarded to a student who presents an outstanding Physics or Chemistry project.

UBC Science Entrance Award “Mathematical Sciences” – $2,000, tied to UBC Faculty of Science admission
To be awarded to a student who presents an outstanding Mathematical Sciences project.

CWSF Dependent Awards

The following awards are dependent on CWSF 2023 attendance:

Chief Judge Award (Walter Olson) – $100 towards travel to CWSF, Perpetual & Keeper Trophy

To be awarded to a CWSF Award recipient as selected by Chief Judge of the Fair. The recipient is to have overcome personal challenges related to doing science fair project work.

John O’Connor Award – $100 towards CWSF travel & Trophy

The John O’Connor Award recognizes a student that has repeat participation in the Regional Fair and has increased their project development skills. It was established by the Parent Advisory Committee of Point Grey Mini School to honour Mr. O’Connor. Eligible projects can be from any grade level.

SCWIST (Society for Canadian Women in Science and Technology) CWSF Travel Award – $1000 towards CWSF travel

To be awarded to a female attending the Canada-Wide Science Fair. Preference to projects in areas of research underrepresented by females such as engineering, computer science, math, and/or physics.

UBC Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering Award – $1500 towards travel to CWSF

To be awarded to the best applied science and/or engineering project that has qualified to go to the Canada Wide Science Fair

Grand Awards

Students with outstanding projects are awarded a unique opportunity to represent the Greater Vancouver Region at the week-long Canada-Wide Science Fair, held in a different Canadian city each year. This national stage enables Team GVRSF to meet like-minded peers and professionals in science and engineering from across the country. Find out more >