GVRSF 2021 is Going Virtual!

With the continuing Public Health Orders that limit gathering, the Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair will go Virtual in 2021!
Student Registration – We are awaiting the completion of a new Management Portal – registration will open soon and will close on March 10, 2021. Registration will require students to provide full project details so that the GVRSF committee can create webpages for each project. This webpage replaces the traditional project backboard. NOTE: Students from the cancelled 2020 GVRSF must register their projects by March 10, 2021.
Judging Round 1 – March 15 to March 31, 2021. This round of judging will be based on the information you provide for your webpage. Judges will visit your project webpage and evaluate your project based on scientific thought (50%), Original Creativity (33%) and Display/Presentation (17%).Written feedback will be provided to students at the conclusion of the Fair. Projects will be ranked at the conclusion of round 1 and the top projects will advance to round 2 of judging.
Judging Round 2 – April 6 to April 10, 2021. This round of judging will involve an online interview (either Microsoft Team or Zoom) for the higher ranking projects based on the scores from round 1 of the judging. If a project is a 2-person project then both students will have to participate in the virtual judging session. A parent or teacher will also have to be present with the student. The judging sessions will typically be 20-minutes in duration. Feedback will be provided by the judges at the conclusion of the online interview, as well as the written feedback at the conclusion of the Fair.
Special Award Judging – March 15, 2021 to April 10, 2021. As in previous years, students will self-nominate for special awards in the registration process. Special Award judging will be based on the project webpage and is not anticipated to involve an online interview.
Awards Announcement – April 11, 2021.
Projects that were accepted to the GVRSF in 2020 will beeligible to register for 2021 under the following provisions:
- Student (or both students in the case of a 2-person project) is in grades 7-12 as indicated on your BC Ministry Form 1701 in the 2020-2021 school year;
- Student is registered in a public/private/independent school or a home school program within the GVRSF catchment area (see details below) in 2021.
New Projects for 2021 will follow the Eligibility Criteria on our Registration Page.