Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair cancelled due to covid-19 concerns.
The Office of the Provincial Medical Health Officer, BC Centre for Disease Control and Ministry of Health has recommended the immediate cancellation or postponement until further notice of all events with more than 250 people in attendance.
In accordance with that recommendation, and as of March 13, 2020, UBC is cancelling all on-campus and off-campus events with more than 250 people (including sporting events), whether indoors or outdoors, that are organized by students, faculty and staff. This includes the cancellation of the Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair.
The health and safety of our participants, visitors and volunteers is always our highest priority. We support the decision of UBC to cancel all events, including the Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair.
Over the next few days we will take the time to communicate with students, teachers, parents and sponsors regarding any commitments that have been made for the 2020 GVRSF. We ask that our participants and stakeholders be patient and provide our committee with time to formulate a process to deal with this cancellation.
The Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair is organized entirely by volunteers, whose tireless efforts have made the GVRSF one of the best Regional Science Fair in all of Canada. It saddens us to make this decision, but we will regroup and look forward to the 2021 Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair.
– Ceddy Nash (Chair), Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair